Archive | July, 2011

America’s Most Wanted

29 Jul


Osama Bin Laden is known for being one of the most notorious public figures in the world. He was the founder of al-Qaeda, the jihadist organization responsible for the September 11 attacks on the United States and numerous other terrorist attacks against civilian and military targets. Bin Laden was on the FBI’s Most Wanted Fugitives/Terrorist list for his involvement in the 1998 U.S embassy bombings, until his recent death on May 2, 2011.

His Islamic belief structured his mentality. He had two distinguished teachers in Islamic studies, which was a compulsory subject in the college he attended. Most say Bin Laden’s ideology included the idea that innocent civilians, including women and children, were legitimate targets of jihad. People reasoned his “attacks” on the US with his Islamic beliefs. However, Osama Bin Laden denies being involved. Bin Laden, in a September 28, 2001 interview with the Pakistani newspaper Ummat, is reported to have said:

“I have already said that I am not involved in the 11 September attacks in the United States. As a Muslim, I try my best to avoid telling a lie. I had no knowledge of these attacks, nor do I consider the killing of innocent women, children and other humans as an appreciable act. Islam strictly forbids causing harm to innocent women, children and other people. Such a practice is forbidden even in the course of a battle.”

The capturing of Osama bin Laden had been an objective of the United States government since the presidency of Bill Clinton. Soon after George Bush became president in 2001, U.S. government officials named Bin Laden and the al-Qaeda organization as the prime suspects and offered a reward of $25 million for information leading to his capture or death. However, George Bush served two presidential terms without capturing Osama Bin Laden. On October 7, 2008, in the second presidential debate, on foreign policy, then-presidential candidate Barack Obama pledged, “We will kill Bin Laden. We will crush al-Qaeda. That has to be our biggest national security priority.” Following up on that promise, in April 2011, President Obama ordered a covert operation to kill or capture Bin Laden. Finally, on May 1, 2011, the White House announced that U.S. Navy SEALs had carried out the mission, killing him in his Abbottabad, Pakistan compound. The U.S. was somewhat at peace when this was announced. At last, one of the most dangerous terrorists was dead. But where do we go from here?

After a few days of excitement, many U.S. citizens became worried. What if al-Qaeda plans another serious attack on the U.S. for killing their astute leader? Other citizens questioned if the killing was a hoax. After all, many speculated that Osama Bin Laden died of kidney complications soon after the September 11th attacks. The government will not show the death photos of the historical terrorist, but they assure us his remains were buried at sea. Whatever the case may be, the FBI now lists Bin Laden as deceased on the Most Wanted List on May 3, 2011. So currently we all can be at peace.

Written by Tiara Rowe

Links used:

Love is Love

29 Jul

Photo: Photo shows the impact of domestic violence on singer, Rihanna

Love is a juice with many tastes.

Some bitter, some sweet. A wine which has few, very few vineyards!

Love is unbreakable!

Love is unchangeable!

Love is Love!

When he says “Give me your hand”

and you think you’re in love,

 you’ll do it.

He said “give me your hand”

That doesn’t mean jump right into it.

You two claim to be in love

And it’s everything it shouldn’t be.

Its violent, he’s insane.

It’s all around wrong


That ain’t love!

Is it true that the ribs can tell the kick of a lover’s fist?

The bruised bones record it well.

The sudden shock; the hard impact.

The swollen lids, sorry eyes spoke not of lost romance but hurt.

Hate is often confused; its limits are in zones beyond itself.

And sadists will not learn that love by nature extracts a pain unequal on the rack.

We shouldn’t go through this “love” we young girls talk about: but “real love”

From the one most high.

Photo: Angela Bassett portraying a battered Tina Turner in the movie, "What's Love Got to do with It?"

Let his love reign.

He wants your hand.

He says “Give me your hand,

Make room for me to lead so that you can follow me beyond this poem.

Let others have privacy of touching words,

And loss of love.

For me “give me your hand.”

We don’t want to jump and think we are in love.

What is it with love that makes me and breaks me?

Why do I love so?

When in love do I truly love or is it a game I try to be a part of?

I spent my whole life chasing,

In the end the one thing I truly love is the pursuit of love.

Love is just.

It won’t be broken or tamed!

Love is Love.

Written by Breanna Johnson

The 2011 Summer Magazine is HERE!!!

28 Jul

Photo originating from

This year marks the 40th Anniversary of the influential song, “What’s Going On?” by Marvin Gaye, and to commemorate that song, the teens of Martha’s Table chose to ask that same question for their lives, their communities, and their reality. The articles that stemmed from those questions are both insightful and expressive all at once.

Each teen was responsible for writing their articles, researching photos for the article, and designing their posts. Please take the time to read their articles, as they are simple and beautiful reflections, and will hopefully inspire you to ask what’s going on in your life.


Darby Baham, Editor-in-Chief

Deborah J, Editor-at-Large